financial wellness

Oct - 24 2016 | By


Financial wellness is one of the topic’s that I’ve been trying to work on although in my opinion I have improved.  One of the  bad habits that I had was that I would when I would get payed I would pay things that I wouldn’t need just because I wanted but I didn’t need it.  Another bad habit that I had was that I would pay things that I had for example if I had one pair of speaker I would go to the store and buy knew even if I  had and they worked fined, but just because I want to waste money. Some of the things that I do know is every time I get my paycheck I put 10 percent of my paycheck in the bank.  

There are many ways that you can save money and in the long run it will help you with investment for your future because if you want to buy a car you have money of any type of emergency you  have money saved. That money that you have saved will help you in many ways in the long run.  

Financial wellness is one the things that many people struggle on in improving because some people have problems on saving money they spend and spend without realizing that it could come and effect you in many ways. The reason saving money doesn’t mean you can’t buy things once in a while it just means that it a good habit to get into when your young.

Also having money save in a bank or in a safe box its better to have it in a safe box, but when there’s a real emergency you have money because you don’t real know when you’ll need the money. Saving money doesn’t mean that you have to get your whole paycheck it just means get $20 through $100 dollars and save it you can start saving small amounts of money.

For example every time I get my paycheck I take in consideration the things that I need to pay like my cell phone bill and others things that you need to pay. The amount that is left over just get $20 or more and save it and the rest of the money you spend it. 

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